The Gluten Free Baking Co.
Your One-Stop Shop for Gluten-Free,
with Soy-Free,Vegan,and Dairy-Free Options.
Discover Gluten-Free Delight with Roanna: A Journey to Culinary Freedom
Strolling along a quiet side street in Paris, I found myself drawn to a charming pastry shop boasting gluten-free baked goods. The display case was brimming with exquisitely beautiful French pastries, and I couldn't help but sigh as I searched for the elusive gluten-free section. Nothing was labeled.
"Excusez-moi, Monsieur, which pastries are gluten-free?" I inquired of the man behind the counter. His smile was warm and reassuring, "Mademoiselle, everything. Everything is gluten-free."
He leaned forward and whispered in a delightfully French accent, "Here, you can eat it all."
In that moment, I felt a wave of emotion. I was so accustomed to hearing, "We have gluten-free ice cream" or "This salad is gluten-free." Life with food allergies often feels isolating, but this experience was different.
At The Gluten Free Baking Company, we understand the daily challenges of living with food allergies. Our mission is to create extraordinary baked goods that not only meet dietary needs but also taste so incredible you'll want to share them with your loved ones.
Recognized by the Union Tribune as one of the most anticipated openings of 2020, our dedicated gluten-free retail location launched in February 2020 in North Park.
Expanding our reach, The GF Collective opened in May 2022 within our Clairemont bakery facility.
Here, you can eat it all.

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Walk - in 2647 Ariana Dr. Clairemont , San Diego, CA 92117